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A member registered Sep 09, 2021

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(3 edits)

haha yeah I can live with being a cheater :) the game is fun but I would need to take a lot more time than I have to get really good with the knife in order to do it legitimately

So here's how I modified the DLL.  There are tools you can get that let you rebuild the source code of .NET applications by reading the bytecode in the DLL file - I used "ILSpy" with the "Reflexil" plugin to do this.

All your game scripts are compiled into "Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll", so I just needed to find the right class name (Health_and_Damage) and make a change to it.  I just deleted the code inside the "SumarVida" and "RestarVida" methods and that did the trick :)

BTW thanks for mentioning this project to Kai Morgan, I would not have found it without that.

(1 edit)

So I modified the DLL to give myself infinite health :) but I'm glad I did because it was great to experience the game in full.  I really enjoyed the amount of work you put into getting the atmosphere right for this game - the similarity to the original game is amazing!  Even the unfinished stuff (like the hunter with no AI) was incredibly freaky.

I really look forward to the next versions of this game, thank you for making this!

I love it! you've captured the atmosphere of the original game very well, of course it needs polish but I'm sure that will come.  the only thing I can ask for is to please give us some kind of easy mode / invincible mode because I'm just not that good - I can't make it past the blue hallway on the east wing - and I would really love to experience the rest of the game!